Top attractions on the Isle of Mull are: Duart
Castle, boat trips to the small Island of Staffa with
Fingals Cave, Iona Abbey, Torosay Castle Gardens only
open at times, Eagle Watch, MacQuarie Mausoleum,
Calgary Beach, Kilmore Standing Stones, Old Byre
Heritage Centre, Eas Fors Waterfalls, Ulva Island,
Ben More Mountain, Lochbuie Standing Stone Circle,
and Moy Castle.
Snow or Ice
Conditions should only be attempted after ice
training, and with the correct equipment.
Mountains should only be climbed with an Ordinance Survey Map and
good knowledge of using a Compass. Try to memorize the
trail up, and take the direction of the trail with a
compass, so if clouds roll over, you can find your
way back down. Some of these mountains lead out into
vast areas of wilderness.
Layers of clothing should also be taken as
it can get bitterly cold at the top, even in
summer, i.e. fleece, gloves, hat and
weatherproofs. Drinks and snacks should also be
taken. Mobile phones may work from some
Mountains, but not all.