
Edinburgh Castle

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Edinburgh Castle is a large Royal Fortress in the centre of Edinburgh in Scotland, built from the 1100s with most of what can be seen today added in the 1500s.

The image top is from the Scott Monument looking south along Princes Street, and Princes Street Gardens with Edinburgh Castle sitting high above.

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The top attractions in Edinburgh Castle are the Palace, Great Hall, Crown Jewels, St Margaret's Chapel, National War Memorial building, Military Museum, Prison Cells, huge Mons Meg cannon, 1 O'clock gun that is fired each day, Soldier’s Dog Cemetery, and amazing views in all directions from the ramparts. Best to pre-book as can be sold out some days.
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The earliest parts of Edinburgh Castle were built for King David I in the 1100s. The tiny St Margaret's Chapel is the oldest remaining building in the Castle from the 1100s in honor of his mother Saint Margaret.

Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle 36 miles northwest, are two similar large fortresses, both built as Royal residences, also to control Scotland.

Most of the Edinburgh Castle seen today was built from the late 1500s, as the earlier defenses were damaged by Cannon during a Civil War between the Scottish Government forces and forces of Mary Queen of Scots who held the Castle from 1571 to 1573.

Mary was accused of being involved in the murder of her husband, leading to her being forced to step down as Queen so her son could become King in 1567, setting of a Civil War that lasted to 1573. Mary escaped to England where she was beheaded in 1587 as she was accused of trying to overthrow her Cousin, the English Queen Elizabeth I.

After the death of Queen Elizabeth I, Mary's son James VI became King of England in 1603, as well as being King of Scotland, leading to Scotland and England being safer places with less Wars and Border Raids.

The Great Hall in Edinburgh Castle was completed in 1511, and the Palace around 1615. The Scottish Crown Jewels are displayed in the Palace. They are in a small room where no photos are allowed.

The Statues of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace were placed at each side of the entrance to the Castle in 1929.

History of Edinburgh Castle

Early Kings of Scotland were descendants of Malcolm III (Canmore) 1031 – 1093.

These were the first Kings to control most of Scotland. Before this time, many areas of Scotland had different rulers.

Malcolm III and his wife Margaret, later Saint Margaret, used Dunfermline Abbey and Palace as their main Royal residence, now a partial ruin.

1100s - Edinburgh Castle was built for David I Canmore to serve as a secure Royal residence and military fortress.

1100s - Stirling Castle was also built to serve as another secure Royal residence and military fortress 35 miles west of Edinburgh. Stirling Castle Palace and Great Hall are slightly larger than the ones at Edinburgh Castle.

Edinburgh and Stirling Castles were ideally situated from where to control most of Scotland.

1153 - King Malcolm IV was the first king to use Edinburgh Castle as his main Royal residence.

1174 to 1186 - the English took control of Edinburgh Castle after capturing King William the Lion at the Battle of Alnwick.

Scots/ English wars at that time were over where the border should be between the countries.

1286 - the death of King Alexander III without leaving an heir led to the Wars of Scottish Independence. This was the end of the Canmore Kings.

Edward I of England took this opportunity to gain control of Scotland. Edinburgh Castle changed hands a few times until the Treaty of Berwick was signed in 1357, ending the wars.

Robert the Bruce became King of Scotland during the Wars of Scottish Independence, with his descendants being the Stuart Kings that ruled most of the time until 1714.

1430s, Sir William Crichton was the Keeper of Edinburgh Castle for the boy King James II Stuart. Crichton had William Douglas and his younger brother David executed at Edinburgh Castle after inviting them to have dinner with James II.

The killings were believed to have been because the Douglas Clan were regarded as too powerful, suspected of wanting to overthrow the King, and they were the neighbouring Clan of the Crichton's, with long running feuds between the two Clans.

1420s - work to build Linlithgow Palace 18 miles west of Edinburgh began. This was to be a much larger Palace than could be built inside a Castle.

1430s - construction of the Palace at Edinburgh Castle begins.

1457 - the huge cannon Mons Meg arrived at Edinburgh Castle for part of its defenses.

1458 - the Great Hall was completed at Edinburgh Castle.

1530s - Linlithgow Palace was completed as a vast Royal residence with little defense. The Palaces in Edinburgh and Stirling Castles were still used, especially during times of conflict.

1540s - wars with England began over Mary Queen of Scots. Edward VIII of England wanted Mary to mary his son so Scotland and England could be united.

1567 - James VI became King of Scotland after Scottish Nobles forced his mother Mary Queen of Scots to abdicate.

1603 - James VI Stuart of Scotland became King James I of England as well, uniting the two countries.

1633 - King Charles I Stuart visited Edinburgh Castle to host a feast in the Great Hall for his Scottish coronation, the last time a reigning monarch stayed in the Castle.

1640s - Linlithgow Palace fell into disrepair.

1640s - wars break out in England and Scotland over religion. Edinburgh Castle changed hands a few times to various forces in this period.

The Reformation of the late 1500s saw Christian Catholicism become illegal, being replaced by Christian Protestantism.

Protestantism split into a number of forms, with Anglican adopted by most Churches in England, with the King head of these Churches.

Presbyterian was adopted by most Churches in Scotland, with Elders the head of these Churches.

1630s - the Presbyterian Elders were accused of running Scotland from this time. Their followers were known as Covenanters.

1639 - Charles I, King of England and Scotland, attempted to force his Anglican beliefs on the Scots, so he could gain more control over Scotland.

This led to the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, between Scotland, England and Ireland, leading to the Stuart's being removed from power and the English Civil War.

Edinburgh Castle changed hands a number of times during these conflicts with the Covenanters taking control twice.

1660 - Charles II Stuart was restored to the throne of Scotland and England, leading to more peaceful times.

Charles II based a full time Army at Edinburgh Castle at that time. The Castle was then used to hold high profile prisoners, thought to be involved in plots to overthrow the Royals.

1678 - Holyrood Palace was completed about 1 mile north of Edinburgh Castle, becoming the main Royal residence in Scotland.

1687 - James II, king of England and Scotland, brought an end to fighting over religion by allowing all to serve God in their own way and manner.

1707 - the Acts of Union merged the English and Scottish Parliaments. This led to Edinburgh becoming one of four Scottish Castles permanently garrisoned by a new British Army, the others being Stirling, Dumbarton and Blackness.

1714 - Queen Anne Stuart died without leaving an heir, leading to her German cousin George I Hanover being elected King of Great Britain.

This led to a series of wars as a number of Stuart's believed they had a greater claim to the throne.

1715 to 1746 - the Jacobite Risings took place in an attempt to restore Stuart's to the throne of Great Britain. Edinburgh Castle was attacked a number of times during the risings, but was never taken.

1746 - the Kings Hanoverian troops defeat the Jacobite's at the Battle of Culloden, the last major battle on the British mainland, ending any hopes of the Stuart's regaining the throne.

1818 - Sir Walter Scott searched Edinburgh Castle and found the Crown of Scotland in a sealed room.

1845 - Edinburgh Castle and the Crown Jewels were opened to the public, becoming by far the most visited attraction in Scotland. Edinburgh Castle may be the second most visited attraction in the UK, after the Tower of London.

1996 - the Stone of Scone also known as the Stone of Destiny, was returned to Scotland so it could be displayed next to the Crown Jewels in Edinburgh Castle.

This was the Coronation Stone of many Scottish Kings. It was taken by the English forces of Edward I from Scone Abbey in 1296. It was kept at Westminster Abbey in London for 700 years.

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