The Image top is of the very small village
of Fortingall with a number of Thatched
The second image shows Fortingall Church
with the Yew Tree to the left. Large
The third image shows the Enclosure around
the Tree.
Fortingall History
Ancient Times - Pagans were said to have lit
fires at the base of the Fortingall Yew for
religious ceremonies.
1300s - Fortingall Village was ravaged by
the Black Death. A Standing Stone in the field
opposite the Hotel is referred to as the Cairn
of the Dead, said to mark the site of a mass
1700s - the Old Church is built at
Fortingall. The Belfry of that Church can be
seen in the Graveyard.
1700s - the Fortingall Yew was said to be 52
feet / 16m around at the base.
1785 - an enclosure was erected to try and
prevent people from damaging the tree.
1833 - records state large branches and
parts of the trunk had been taken by people to
be used for making household goods.