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Scotland Abbeys

A list of Scotland Abbey's to Visit with Websites, Postcodes, Images and Links to Maps and Reviews.

Scotland Abbey's served as the main religious centre's for about 1000 years, the first Monastery being established in 563, after Columba traveled to the Isle of Iona from Ireland. The Monastery Columba founded on Iona, soon became one of the largest religious centre's in western Europe. Many of the early Kings of Scotland were buried at Iona Abbey. More history at the bottom of the page.

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Arbroath Abbey

Arbroath Abbey
In Arbroath 17 miles north of Dundee. Founded in 1178 for monks of the Tironensian order by King William the Lion, Arbroath Abbey is known for its association with the Declaration of Arbroath, when Scotland’s nobles swore their independence from England. Burial place of William I (William the Lion).
RS Page . DD11 1EG

Cambuskenneth Abbey

Cambuskenneth Abbey
1 mile east of Stirling. Founded around 1140 by canons of the Arrouaisian order for King David I. Cambuskenneth served Stirling Castle, one of David’s favourite residences, a short distance to the west. The Abbey was used for Robert Bruce’s parliament in 1326, and the burial place of James III and his queen, Margaret of Denmark, in the 1480s. Large Image
Website . UDS Page . FK9 5NG

Crossraguel Abbey image

Crossraguel Abbey
10 miles south of Ayr in Ayrshire. Crossraguel was founded early 1200s by the Earl of Carrick. The remains include the church, cloister, chapter house and even the dovecot (pigeon tower). After the reformation, an Earl of Carrick tortured the Commendator in a bid to gain control of the Abbey lands.
AS Page . KA19 8HQ . Image

Dryburgh Abbey

Dryburgh Abbey
7 miles southeast of Melrose in the Borders. Founded in 1150 by Hugh de Morville, Constable of Scotland. Burial place of Sir Walter Scott, and Field-Marshal Earl Haig.
RS Page . TD6 0RQ

Dundrennan AbbeyDundrennan Abbey
Kirkudbright in Dumfries & Galloway. Mary Queen of Scots is said to have spent her last night on Scottish soil in this Cistercian Abbey founded by David I. The Abbey, built in the second half of the 1100s, is situated in a secluded valley.
RS Page . DG6 4QH

Dunfermline Abbey

Dunfermline Abbey & Palace
In Dunfermline with an interesting history from the 1000s, time of King Malcolm III and Queen Margaret, later Saint Margaret. The great nave is one of the most impresive examples of Romanesque architecture in Scotland. The Abbey Church is the burial place of some of Scotland’s famous Kings and Queens, including Queen Margaret, David I, and King Robert the Bruce.
RS Page . KY12 7PE . Image

Glenluce Abbey

Glenluce Abbey
By Glenluce 10 miles east of Stranraer. Founded around 1192 by Roland, Lord of Galloway. The end of this Glenluce monastery came after the Reformation in 1560. The monks were allowed to continue living in the Abbey with the last one dying in 1602.
RS Page . DG8 0AF

Inchcolm Abbey

Inchcolm Abbey
On Inchcolm Island in the Firth of Forth / 4 miles out from South Queensferry. King David I founded an Augustinian monastery on Inchcolm Island in the 1100s, raised to the status of an Abbey in 1235. The Abbey is said to be one of the best-preserved in Scotland, with boat tours to the island throughout the summer from South Queensferry.
RS Page . KY3 0UA . Image

Inchmahome Priory

Inchmahome Priory
On Inchmahome Island/ Lake of Menteith/ 16 miles west of Stirling. The Priory was founded in 1238 by the Earl of Menteith / Walter Comyn. The powerful Comyn family had a large house on one of the other islands on the lake. The Priory had been visited by King Robert the Bruce three times, and used to hide the infant Queen Mary after the English defeated the Scots at the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh. That battle was an attempt to preasure Scottish nobles into allowing Mary to marry the son of Henry VIII of England.
RS Page . FK8 3RA

Iona Abbey

Iona Abbey
On the Isle of Iona off the Isle of Mull. Iona Abbey is one of Scotland’s most historic and sacred sites, founded by St Columba and his Irish followers in AD 563. In 1938, the Iona Community was founded to conduct daily services and teaching in the Abbey. Buried in the graveyard, are many early Scottish kings and chiefs, as well as kings from Ireland, Norway and France.
RS Page . PA76 6SQ

Jedburgh Abbey

Jedburgh Abbey
South side of Jedburgh in the Borders. Founded by King David I in 1147 to show the English Scotland could build on a grand scale close to the border between the two countries. The Abbey was taken over by King Edward I of England in 1296, on one of his many excursions north.
RS Page . TD8 6JQ

Kelso Abbey

Kelso Abbey
In Kelso in the Borders. Built from 1128 as one of the finest examples of Romanesque architecture in Scotland. After completion, it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and St John in 1243, becomming the largest and richest in Scotland at that time. Prince Henry, son of David I, was buried there in 1152, and King James III was crowned at the Abbey.
RS Page . TD5 7JE

kilwinning abbey image

Kilwinning Abbey
In Kilwinning by Irvine in Ayrshire. Built for Huge de Morville in the 1100s with the tower completed in 1816. The Abbey Tower Heritage Centre is open from Mid May to Mid September, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 1pm - 3pm. Access for visiting groups at other times times may be possible. Phone 01294 551 496 for details. The Abbey may have connections to the Knights Templar.
AS Page . KA13 6AN . Image

Melrose Abbey

Melrose Abbey
In Melrose in the Borders. In 1136, King David I requested Cistercian monks from Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire to found this Abbey at Melrose. In 1322, Melrose Abbey and the town were attacked by the Edward II and his army with much of the Abbey destroyed and many monks killed. The rebuilding started with funds from Robert the Bruce. King Robert's embalmed heart was buried at Melrose Abbey.
RS Page . TD6 9LG

Paisley Abbey

Paisley Abbey
In Paisley centre by Glasgow. Paisley Abbey dates back to 1163 with the signing of a charter by Walter Fitzalan, High Steward of Scotland. William Wallace was educated at Paisley Abbey in the late 1200s. The nave has a Wallace Memorial Window, added in 1873. Also here is the marble tomb of Robert III, commemorating all the Stewarts buried in the abbey, including Princess Marjorie. Large Images
Website . UDS Page . PA1 1JG

Pluscarden Abbey

Pluscarden Abbey
By Elgin 38 miles east of Inverness. Pluscarden Priory was founded by King Alexander II in 1230. From 1345, the Priory was controlled by the Bishop of Moray of Elgin Cathedral. The Bishop had Alexander Stewart (son of Robert II) excommunicated for marital infidelity. Stewart, known as the Wolf of Badenoch, attacked Moray with his men and set fire to Elgin Cathedral and Pluscarden Priory. The Priory was restored in the 1900s, and granted the status of an Abbey. Large Images
Website . UDS Page . IV30 8UA

Sweetheart Abbey

Sweetheart Abbey
In New Abbey five miles south of Dumfries. Lady Devorgilla established a Cistercian Abbey here in memory of her husband, John Balliol, in 1273 (father of the Scottish King of the same name). Lady Devorgilla was known for carrying his embalmed heart around with her in an ivory box. After her death in 1290, she was buried in the Abbey Church with the casket containing her husband's heart buried beside her.
RS Page . DG2 8BU

Whithorn Priory image

Whithorn Priory & Museum
In Whithorn 31 miles southeast of Stranraer. The first church here (first in Scotland) was dedicated to St Martin of Tours by St Ninian around the 390s. St Ninian was buried in this church with Whithorn then attracting pilgrims from across the British Isles. In the 700s, Whithorn was part of Northumbria, then taken over by the Norse in the 900s, with them using the church as a sacred burial place. The Norse were removed from the area by 1100, and the Bishopric of Whithorn was re-established in 1128.
RS Page . DG8 8PY

Christianity was extremely important for building a nation and uniting its people. The first King of this region, Kenneth I died on the 13th February 858. Kenneth I was King of the Picts, regarded by many as the first King of Scots. Kenneth I founded the dynasty that ruled Scotland for much of the Medieval Period.

Many of the Abbey's seen today were built around the 1100s - 1300s. Most of these Abbeys had to be rebuilt after being damaged in the Wars with England in the 1300s.

By the start of the 1500s, the Catholic Church, centered around the Pope in Rome, was being accused of being corrupt, so countries throughout Europe began calling for reforms with a breakaway religion under the name Protestantism. In 1525, the Scottish Parliament banned the import of books written by the German Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism.

Henry VIII (King of England) adopted Protestantism in the early 1530s, so he could re-marry, and claim most of the money that was being sent from England to the Pope in Rome. He was excommunicated by the Roman Church at that time.

In August 1560, the Scottish Parliament passed a series of Acts to dismantle the Catholic Church in Scotland. At that time, celebrating mass, and communicating with the Pope in Rome, was made illegal.

Monks and Abbots were mainly allowed to live out their lives in the Abbey's. A Commendator appointed by the Crown, was based at each Abbey to oversee the land and property. Most Abbey's had vast amounts of land and great wealth.

Most Abbey's in Scotland were abandoned, or slowly fell into disrepair after this time. Much of the stonework was then carried off for the building of other properties, such as castles, houses and farms.

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